Protect Your Data ‘Forever’ With Hitachi Glass-Based Storage System

Hitachi engineers want you to protect your photos, videos and other files forever and now promise that their latest technology will allow you a time-span of at least a 100 million years. The Japanese hi-tech giant has unveiled a way to store all your digital data in slivers of quartz glass. But that’s not just the thing about it – the stored data can endure data under extreme temperatures and hostile conditions without degrading.
Hitachi Glass Storage
The data storage occurs in binary form by creating dots inside the thin film of quartz glass. Retrieving the data is going to be a simple process that will involve a software program that can retrieve the binary information. So no matter how the computers advance; the data stored in the glass will always be accessible. The prototype demonstrated by Hitachi is just 2 sqcm and just 2mm thick. It could sustain chemicals and radio waves without affecting the stored data and withstand extreme temperature of about 1000 degrees Celsius for a time-span of 2 hours. One of the senior researchers from the company said that the media will protect data even when it’s broken.
The technology currently allows to store 40 MB of data per square inch, approximately the same density as CD. It currently has 4 layers of dots and the research team believes that they will be able to add more layers (to hold more data) without any major problem.
The storage device is expected to hit the markets by 2015 and we hope that all of you will store your Facebook Timeline on it; so that the next generation of humans can know about you and ‘like’ you. But let’s keep our fingers crossed, December 2012 is approaching.


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